Tuesday, October 7, 2008

helping sarah move

Pat and I rented a truck, filled it up with all the stuff Sarah still had at our house, and drove to Chicago. I know the theme song from the Beverly Hillbillies is rattling around your head. Well, watch the debate. It'll distract you.
Driving to Chicago reminded me of all the things I miss about driving for a living. Things like wind noise, rattles that are purposly built into the truck, no XM radio, and especially no POTUS 08. What I really miss was the radio wasteland western Ohio and all of Indiana is.
Our Sarah and her best friend Beth moved into their first apartment. It is a really nice third floor walk up. They had so much stuff that they'll be unpacking for weeks.

Beth and Sarah

Sarah and Beth

Beth's boyfriend, Beth, Sarah, Beth's brother-in-law, and Beth's brother.
Friends and relatives are great for moving.

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