Saturday, January 30, 2010

sun's out

A cold front came in from who knows where. It's been in the single digits at night. The boys don't want to go outside, but I do. The frigid weather came with the sun, the SUN! That is a big deal here in NE Ohio during the winter. I enjoy wandering around the yard when it's this cold because there is no way to get wet and the ground is hard. We had some snow since the last thaw so the animal tracks are all over the yard. Every day I am in the yard, I find new stuff to wonder over and enjoy. The cold of winter also brings a very peaceful feeling. I finally got a good sunny picture of some of the grass on the berm.

The grass in the soil tile is our winter experiment. All the other perennials we had in pots and soil tiles got replanted in October. This guy is in sun about a third of the day, when the sun is out. The soil around the tile rarely freezes so we are optimistic that it will winter over.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jim, I do so enjoy the glimpses of your garden that your postings afford me. The grasses in a snowy landscape look spectacular.

I shall very much look forward to seeing everything once spring finally arrives with you.

Anonymous said...

The sun in winter is a blessed thing. If it contains even a kernal of warmth, and it usually does at this time of year, it can be seen as a harbinger of things to come. The grass experiment seems a rousing success. So far, anyway. :-)


Ginger said...

It looks very peaceful there. Love the shots of the animal tracks!

Unknown said...

Interesting, isn't it, how even when the temperature is frigid, the sunlight just warms our souls and gets us outdoors? Out of the frigid blast of wind today, I felt the sunlight on my face and could feel the warmth in it. We'll make it, though winter won't be relinquishing its grip for some time yet.