Saturday, April 25, 2009

Wilmot Nature Center

Pat and I found out about the Wilmot Nature center from some people we met at a gardening seminar at the library. The nature center is about an hour and a half southeast of us. I don't know if the locals think of this area as southern Ohio, but I do. I mean we drove for miles and miles and never saw a curb or a sidewalk. Cows, sheeps and horsies outnumbered the houses. If it's not southern Ohio, its gotta be considered down state.

The reason we ventured into the hinterland was for a native plant sale and some seminars. The seminars were wonderful. One was about butterflies and how to attract them. The other was obout thinking like a landscape designer. It was conducted by a professor from the OSU ag campus on Wooster. Boy did she have us gardeners pegged. I thought she was talking to me. We got a bunch of good ideas from both seminars. Pat and I kept our plant purchasing under control. We got a bunch of plants whose names I don't remember, but I know where to plant them. What a great day.

This place has ongoing programs for both Boy and Girl Scouts. The path in the picture seems to be a neverending source of Eagle projects. Six different scouts extended the path for their projects.

If there is an historical angle anywhere near our little trips I seem to find it. On our way home I spotted a classic Civil War memorial. Boy was I suprised when I read the plaque and lo and behold, I knew about the incident. I never knew the characters, but I knew about the "General".

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