Friday, February 10, 2012

they're back

You know how you have a favorite restaurant or tavern? Well, I guess these guys do too. Feed them and they will come. I know that I should be aggravated that this herd of deer (does 4 or 5 make a herd, or is there a smaller group name?) lunch in my back yard. But I’m not. I just love watching them. And hey, better bird seed than my hosta. One year these guys, or some predecessor, dug up a bunch of hosta.  That’s when I wanted to chase them with the Aztec. Pat warned me off by telling me that the home owners association would have me arrested and sent to a home.
I’m happy that these deer are daily visitors. Otherwise I would just have pictures of a desolate looking snowless garden to show.


Sunray Gardens said...

They are beautiful creatures but I am sure glad they're not in my yard. :)

Cher Sunray Gardens

Rohrerbot said...

I would love this view from my backyard. You are so lucky. The face no the last pic is really funny:)

Lona said...

The are not stupid. They wanted to fill up on free seed before the snow came. LOL!

Randy Emmitt said...

I'm sure given time, they could be eating out of your hand! Pretty exciting isn't it.

Jayne said...

How lovely. I've seen deer around here on occasion, but the neighborhood is starting to be built up more now so I'm sure we'll be seeing less and less of them.