When I turned in last night, it was snowing. I looked outside and thought how pretty the snow looked on the birch tree. The weather on TV forecasted a couple of inches of snow. Since I had to get a cat scan in the morning, I figured that I should get up 3 hours early, just in case. Well, just in case turned into "man am I glad I got up early." We got a little snow, about 15 inches or so. If it only had held off for a couple of days, it would have been snow day kind of snow. I know there are some good pictures to be had in the back yard, but not today.
I hope all my gardening friends who got caught in this storm are safe and warm.
WOW :D Beautiful snow pictures, but jeez! Looks like you'd have to shovel your way to your appointment. O_O
Dear Jim, How very pretty - a snowaclypse, as the BBC News would say.
Jim, This happened to me a few weeks ago. I went to bed at night with 2-4 inches (total!) forecast, so wasn't worried about needing to get up and out early. What a surprise when I woke up at 6 a.m. to 6" already on the ground, more falling fast, and no plow in sight yet. I ended up not able to get out of my dirt road until mid-afternoon. I hope you were actually able to make it to your appointment (especially if it was a CT that requires some disgusting prep that you wouldn't want to have to do a second time!). -Jean
Here in northern Virginia, I do believe we are surpassing you in our snowfall this weekend!! I am originally a northerner, having been raised in PA, OH, NY and ME. So, I welcome the snow...however, this is getting to be a little much! I will indeed be happy for spring...and I'm sure you will too. I know those Ohio winters can be long and dark. My parents lived in the Akron area for over 20yrs.
Oh Jim,
I just love how the snow drapes over everything in your garden. It is so beautiful! I hope your Cat Scan went well :^)
We are in the clear here in Illinois - nothing but a few flurries. Keep the faith, we will be planting our gardens soon, right? Glad you are planting a veggie garden this year - there is nothing to compare to fresh grown veggies from our own back yards! Stay safe and warm!
Yikes, Jim, I hope all is safe with you and yours. I'm just starting to make my way around the blogosphere and see how others are faring with this epic snowstorm.
I hope you are not in that area where the electricity is off. We never have snow, but I worry about wind causing power outages when it's cold. Stay warm and safe.
The pictures are beautiful, but I do worry about you all being safe too. I would just be babbling incoherently if it snowed like that here! LOL, I am a sissy.
Wow, that's a lot of snow! We would be shut dow for days if that happened here. Your snow photos are lovely. I hope everything turns out well with your cat scan!
Never too late for a good downpour of snow.... We have rain instead! ~bangchik
Jim G,
That snow is crazy lookin to a Florida boy like me. Cool post, literally.
Hi Jim I hope you got to your appointment in good time. Great pictures and some depth too - glad its in your backyard and not mine!
Jim, I hope you have ahd enough snow cover for this winter. LOL! I am ready to say uncle and round two is coming in on Tuesday. Hope your cat scan turn out alright and that you are not dealing with something serious there fella. Our phones were out here and the electricity kept blinking but it managed to stay on so far. These one was so wet and heavy making all of the trees and branches bow down. Stay safe and warm you two.
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