The top picture is from 06/05/04, 3 years before I realized that picture taking, blogging and gardening all went together. Pat and I had already started on the berm. When we moved in, the berm was a wasteland of tree stumps, buried plastic sheeting and the dead garden dreams of previous owners. What made me think that wood chips were the answer to questions I did not have is now beyond me. We planted the grass and the day lilies in 03. I can’t remember what the rest of the stuff is. By the looks of the paths, we must have just finished them. Look at them so wide and weed free. And will you look at all that grass. I know my motto is that the grass should look good till the day I kill it, but that is a lot of grass. Ah! Beginning gardeners, such pleasant memories, I can’t remember how my back felt after 28 tons of #57 river rock.
The rest of the pictures are what the berm looks like today. This is Pat at her best. We populated our new front bed with plants we needed to thin out from the berm. We have chives, creeping geraniums, day lilies, evening primrose, obedient plant, goats beard, Russian sage and who knows what else. I think I did a pretty good job of naming plants. With me it’s usually a hosta or it’s not. This stuff's in the sun even. You may see ragweed in the berm. We do not consider it a weed. Butterflies and bees love it. I forgot the sedum. We have three kinds of sedum in the berm. I’ll remember the names for another post.
Our attempt at vegetable gardening is in the foreground. If the fence doesn’t keep the rabbits out, I’ll have to turn into Elmer Fudd and play Wagner.